Healthy Food For Every Person

Healthy Food For Every Person

We are what we eat, this truth has been familiar to everyone for a long time, because healthy food is an important part of everyone’s life, it’s not for nothing that you can live without it for only 7–9 days.

Healthy food affects our well-being, because a well-fed person feels much more alert and thinks faster.

Everyone wants to be healthy and tries to carefully monitor their diet. Today, unfortunately, the market is full of fast foods, as well as frozen foods or instant meals, so people are eating healthy and environmentally friendly vegetables, fruits, and so on less and less. At the moment, modern manufacturers have allocated an entire segment to the healthy nutrition niche.

At our exhibition there are expositions where you can get acquainted with the products of foreign and domestic manufacturers of this format.

What are good healthy foods?

Today, when various fertilizers, pesticides and antibiotics have begun to make growing food easier, there is practically no normal and healthy food left. After all, by introducing nitrogen fertilizers into the soil, a person himself attracts various fungi and other microorganisms to it.

Another trouble is that large yields achieved by various chemicals do not fully contain all the beneficial properties and vitamins. But the earth is also living, and in the end, from such intensive use it becomes poorer and ceases to give birth.

Another discovery of humanity that was supposed to make life easier, but only ruined the health of half the population, is fast food.

Everyone knows about French fries, hamburgers, sausage rolls and shawarma, which can be bought on every corner; frozen pancakes and pizza that you just need to heat in the microwave and eat. But such food contains a lot of carcinogens, processed oil, which is not absorbed by the body, but is immediately deposited in fat and on the walls of blood vessels, cholesterol, the excess of which can form plaques in the veins, but does not contain vitamins and minerals at all.

It is important to keep in mind that the healthiest food is that which is freshly produced using natural ingredients, since this is what has the highest concentration of vitamins, minerals, proteins, and beneficial carbs. Healthy food is determined not only by its composition, growing conditions, and ecologically clean region. For meat products, feed and the absence of additives in it that accelerate the growth of the breed are of great importance; For plant foods, it is necessary to monitor fertilizer, the presence of GMOs that are so frightening to everyone.

A few tips for a Healthy Food diet

Everyone has heard these easy tips since they were small children, and they will help you maintain a healthy diet:

Increase the amount of fruits and vegetables in your diet that are high in fiber. . Both improved digestion and weight loss are aided by fiber.

Of course, meat is nutritious, but since veal or chicken have more protein and less fat than fatty hog, it is preferable to substitute them.

You should have two or more dairy products a day as they are high in calcium, phosphorus, lactic acid, and protein.

Although oil is a fatty product, it should be in everyone’s diet; it will fill the need for vitamins A and E, as well as omega-3. But only liquid oils are useful: sunflower, olive, flaxseed and others, but animal, solid oils contain only cholesterol.

Stop smoking and alcohol, they also have a bad effect on the health of the whole body.

Nutritionists, thinking about the benefits for people, have long compiled a list of healthy foods that should be eaten at least once every 3 to 4 days:

Healthy Food For Every Person
  • Brussels sprouts (contains B vitamins and fiber),
  • prunes and dried apricots (they improve intestinal motility, and also contain a lot of healthy carbohydrates and iron),
  • porridges: buckwheat, oatmeal, pearl barley, rice and barley (primarily fiber, as well as complex carbohydrates that provide energy),
  • seafood: fish, seaweed and shellfish (they contain a lot of iodine and protein),
  • eggs,
  • bell pepper,
  • greens: parsley, dill, green onions,
  • carrots and beets,
  • apples and pears,
  • tomatoes,
  • nuts.

But manufacturers of healthy products have expanded this list and monitor production from start to finish, guaranteeing the absence of harmful substances and benefits for the body.

At the Prodexpo exhibition you can meet manufacturers and arrange direct supplies. Eat right and be healthy!

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